Looking for off-the-shelf home schooling activities which are not only fun and engaging, but also truly educational?
Introducing ‘Science Fiction Station’: A free series of themed mini-lessons for kids aged 9-12, in videos and matching worksheets, all done for you.
Check out this sample ‘Science Fiction Station’ video:

<== This is an example of the interactive worksheets.
Kids can read along, or listen, to the chapter read by the author, then do the worksheet activities with siblings, friends, family and household members, and/or in online groups, independently or with you – the more, the merrier! Suitable for ages 9-12, but even older kids will enjoy some of the more challenging stuff. Younger children don’t have to be left out either – they can join in, with support from older siblings or adults.
Simply sign up alongside for ALL the worksheets and posters, to get instant access to ‘Science Fiction Station’ worksheets and videos.
Here are just some of the many cross-curriculum activities included in the worksheets:
- Imagining, drawing and labelling your own alien being,
- Writing a 100-word Science Fiction story,
- Investigating how species are classified,
- Completing a Gapitonian Scient-Collection of Universal Species form,
- Exploring Egyptian Hieroglyphics,
- Drafting a news report about aliens in garden sheds,
- Investigating number patterns and palindromes,
- Finding out word root meanings and making up your own words,
- Converting Earth years to Gapitonian Iconics,
- Designing logos/pictures for T-shirts,
- Making a ‘Wanted’ poster,
- Completing a quiz about Earth’s water,
- Creating an anti-Mootilokygogrify poem,
- Preparing a blueprint for water-collecting technology…
- …and more!

Get exclusive, free access to ALL worksheets and posters, including ‘Science Fiction Station’.
Simply sign up via the ‘unlock your exclusive access’ form alongside or below (also here), and you’ll have access to this and ALL the other worksheets and posters. If you’ve already signed up and are looking for your worksheets & posters, please use the exclusive subscribers-only link in any of the newsletter emails.You only need to sign up once. You’re signing up to receive free, unlimited access to all worksheets and posters. You’ll also get updates whenever new worksheets and posters are added, plus receive occasional news on workshops, books and events, as well as relevant eco-tips and info from the author. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Kids may find it useful to have a copy to follow along in while the author reads from the book. Both paperback and ebook versions of the book are available on Amazon. The ebook version is usually available free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers (readable in any Kindle app).

Get your paperback or ebook from:
All worksheets, posters and educational resources are original creations by the author, unless otherwise stated. Once signed up, you are free to download, print and copy them for personal and educational use. You may not sell, hire or copy them commercially, or edit or forward them without permission. Thank you.
Paperbacks and ebooks are available from most Amazon websites and major online bookstores internationally, such as Barnes & Noble, Booktopia, Foyles, Waterstones, Blackwells, etc.
The Kindle reader app can be downloaded for reading Kindle ebooks on any device (such as PC, Mac, iOS or Android).
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-97934-353-4