Blog: News, Fun & Freebies

Environmental Fiction: Can Stories Really Save Planet Earth?

Environmental Fiction isn’t new. “Environmental Fiction” also known as “Eco-Fiction”, and its sub-genre “Climate Fiction” or “Cli-Fi”, is a relatively new distinct genre of literary fiction, focusing on stories of human beings interacting with the natural world and causing environmental problems and ecological crises on […]

Elephant Extinction – Does it Matter? (52 Ways to Save the Planet)

I love elephants. I’m in awe of their huge size, their intelligence, their community spirit, their fierceness, their grace, their extreme care for each other, their strength, their resolve, their beauty, their elephant-ness. But I’m also very scared. Scared that one day, soon, too soon, […]

‘Planet Plastic’ – Get Your Free Eco-Worksheets on Single-Use Plastics

Plastic is everywhere – so much so, that we might as well give Planet Earth a new name: “Planet Plastic”. Explore the environmental issues of plastic waste, pollution and solutions in this 2-page set of eco-worksheets I created just for you. The worksheets encourage you […]